Meet Our Expert Instructors

Our expert-level instructors are committed to helping each and every one of our students exceed in their studies.


Meet Our Expert Instructors

President & Founder

Cynthia Mendoza, Aesthetics Institute President & Founder

Cynthia R. Mendoza

  • President and School Founder
  • Comité International d’Esthétique et de Cosmétologie (CIDESCO) Diplomat
  • Licensed Esthetics Instructor (LEI)
  • Certified Advanced Esthetics Instructor (CAEI)

Everyone learns differently and this school was founded on the idea that we can meet those needs.

It has been such a privilege and honor to help so many people start their careers in esthetics. I am so proud of our instructors and all the graduates of the Aesthetics Institute!

Director of Education

“I believe that it is our professional responsibility to teach to the highest standard. I hear people all the time say, ‘you will learn once you start working’ or ‘go somewhere [beauty school] fast”.

If you want to be seen as a professional and work in the top tier of the industry, you need to take time and invest in yourself.

Unlike any other, this is an industry with so many different directions you can grow your career. Having a great education is always going to be a huge factor in your overall success and put you ahead of the rest”.

Monique Raab, Director of Education

Monique Raab

  • Director of Education
  • Comité International d’Esthétique et de Cosmétologie (CIDESCO) Diplomat
  • Licensed Esthetics Instructor (LEI)
  • Certified Advanced Esthetics Instructor (CAEI)
Monique Raab


Lead Instructor

Laura Larrabee

  • Lead Instructor
  • Licensed Esthetics Instructor (LEI)
  • Certified Advanced Esthetics Instructor (CAEI)
Laura Larrabee


“We spend a great deal of energy and effort to create and foster a ‘culture of inquiry’ here at the Aesthetics Institute. It means our school is a safe place for learning, making mistakes, and overcoming challenges.

Students are encouraged to ask questions, delve deep into the technology, and ultimately make mistakes, without the fear of reprimand or punishment.

My goal as a teacher is for my students to be prepared for the ‘real world’. I will say the same thing a 100 different times in a 100 different ways until we find a path to understanding. The confidence to apply what you learn here is vital to the success of our students.”

Masters Esthetics Instructor

“I would like my students to know that my goal is always for them to be confident in what they do. I never want a student to be afraid to ask questions.

This program is a safe place to learn and make mistakes. Our school is like a family and everyone is welcome here.

I feel like people often just think of waxing and basic facials without realizing the advanced serviced we can perform to help people feel confident in their skin.

Helping people with the gift of feeling comfortable in their own skin is an incredible thing to be a part of.”

Annie Richardson, Master Esthetics Instructor

Annie Richardson

  • Masters Esthetics Instructor
  • Licensed Esthetics Instructor (LEI)
Annie Richardson, Master Esthetics Instructor

Lead Advanced Esthetics Instructor

Tashauna Carter, Lead Advanced Esthetics Instructor

Tashuana Carter

  • Lead Advanced Esthetics Instructor
  • Licensed Esthetics Instructor (LEI)
  • Certified Advanced Esthetics Instructor (CAEI)
Tashauna Carter


“It is so awesome to watch something ‘click’ in someone’s head just because you explained it a certain way.

Not everyone learns the same way, and one subject may have to be taught in three different methods for everyone to learn it correctly. So when I figure out what really worked for that specific student, it’s truly a great feeling!”

Licensed Esthetics Instructor

“It is pretty incredible to come full circle, from being a student at the Aesthetics Institute to going out and working in the industry for many years, to now be back helping students learn how to be top-notch professionals who love this field.

I want each one of my students to leave the Institute with confidence they are highly trained and ready for any challenges ahead of them!”

Raquel Schalk, Instructor

Raquel Schalck

  • Licensed Esthetics Instructor (LEI)

Masters Esthetics Instructor

Lorena Sanders, Masters Esthetics Instructor

Lorena Sanders

  • Masters Esthetics Instructor
  • Licensed Esthetics Instructor (LEI)

“The work we do is not too dissimilar to work required by medical professionals. There can be a lot of intricate learning involved that is always evolving and requires a commitment to continued training.

If you want to do well in this industry, you need to be prepared to sacrifice a short period of your life for intensive learning. But in the end, the industry offers the opportunity for a rewarding and fulfilling career.”

Clinic Coordinator

“I want people new to receiving esthetics services to trust the process – and be patient with your skin.

I’ve always struggled with skin issues, and I didn’t realize I was using all the wrong products that didn’t benefit my skin type. What a difference it makes!”

Mikaela Bledsoe

Mikaela Bledsoe

Director of Communications

“Before taking on this position, I suppose I had a “treat ‘yo self” idea about the beauty industry. And while there is nothing wrong with some self-pampering, I continue to be blown away by the level of science and technology that goes into what we teach our students about skincare and esthetics.

From acne scars to other serious skin ailments, it is pretty incredible to watch our students help our clients begin to feel comfortable again in their own skin!

The beauty industry offers opportunities and a worldwide community of individuals ready to hire and support our graduates, and I am very happy to be even a tiny part of that.”

Ryan Klute, Director of Communication

Ryan Klute

  • Director of Communications
Ryan Klute
