Meet Our Expert Instructors


Meet Our Expert Instructors

President & Founder

“We invest our time and resources back into the Institute because we care about and believe in our students and their success.”

Cynthia Mendoza, Aesthetics Institute President & Founder

Cynthia R. Mendoza

  • President and School Founder
  • Comité International d’Esthétique et de Cosmétologie (CIDESCO) Diplomat
  • Licensed Esthetics Instructor (LEI)
  • Certified Advanced Esthetics Instructor (CAEI)

Cynthia Mendoza has dedicated her life to the pursuit of teaching excellence in esthetics all over the world. She began her career in 1981 as an Electrologist before graduating from the Pendleton College of Beauty in 1982. As she learned and gained experience in the developing field of esthetics, Mrs. Mendoza began to see a demand for up-to-date and technology-based education. She moved to Portland in 1984 and began what is now the Aesthetics Institute in 1985.

During her time growing and evolving the school, Mrs. Mendoza has written an advanced esthetics manual and designed the curriculum used at the Institute from the ground up. She holds her CIDESCO International Diploma, has offered her services as a lecturer at the Oregon Health Sciences University to Dermatology students, written for the Electrology Association Newspaper, and assisted in building the Advanced Esthetics Boards curriculum.

Mrs. Mendoza believes dedicating time to the core science of this industry is imperative to the developing professional and knows what it takes to be a successful professional in today’s growing and changing industry. She believes in reinvesting in the school to provide her students with the most up-to-date equipment and technology possible. Her teaching philosophy ensures that students leave prepared for the real world.

“Everyone learns differently and this school was founded on the idea that we can meet those needs. It has been such a privilege and honor to help so many people start their careers in esthetics. I am so proud of our instructors and all the graduates of the Aesthetics Institute!”

Director of Education

“I believe that it is our professional responsibility to teach to the highest standard.”

Monique is a 1999 graduate of the Aesthetics Institute and was proudly featured in the magazine Nails as the youngest nail technology license holder in the United States. She is a CIDESCO International Diplomat, Master Aesthetician, Certified Advanced Esthetician, and a member of NECA (National Esthetician Certification Advanced Training), Professional Beauty Association (PBA), National Association of Professional Women (NAPW), American Association of Cosmetology Schools (AACS) among many other association and organization affiliations.

Growing up being around and then in the beauty industry, Monique was able to see all of the technological development and change as it occurred, in real-time. It gave her a unique understanding of the industry and its lack. She loved the bond that she was able to create with clients and felt that her experience could give insight to both prospective students and professionals alike. Her vision of a technical school that could provide the same depth of education as a formal college was then born, and it has been the driving force behind the Aesthetics Institute since.

Monique has made it her mission to keep the Aesthetics Institute on the cutting edge. Her belief in excellence led her to create unique courses which go above and beyond state requirements.

“I believe that it is our professional responsibility to teach to the highest standard. I hear people all the time say, ‘you will learn once you start working’ or ‘go somewhere [beauty school] fast”. If you want to be seen as a professional and work in the top tier of the industry, you need to take time and invest in yourself. Unlike any other, this is an industry with so many different directions you can grow your career. Having a great education is always going to be a huge factor in your overall success and put you ahead of the rest”.

Monique Raab, Director of Education

Monique Raab

  • Director of Education
  • Comité International d’Esthétique et de Cosmétologie (CIDESCO) Diplomat
  • Licensed Esthetics Instructor (LEI)
  • Certified Advanced Esthetics Instructor (CAEI)

Lead Instructor

“Students are encouraged to ask questions, delve deep into the technology, and ultimately make mistakes, without the fear of reprimand or punishment.”

Laura Larrabee

  • Lead Instructor
  • Licensed Esthetics Instructor (LEI)
  • Certified Advanced Esthetics Instructor (CAEI)

Laura graduated from Central Washington University with a degree in Business and discovered her love of teaching while obtaining her master’s degree in English at Portland State University. While working at the Portland State Publishing house, she developed her passion for education which she has carried with her into her career at Aesthetics Institute.

Laura, a graduate of Aesthetics Institute, returned to pass on knowledge and skill after working in the industry as an advanced esthetician for many years. While working in the industry, Laura built her skills as an educator, often training co-workers and creating protocols. Laura’s experience with corrective and advanced esthetics has driven her desire to teach the best techniques possible.

“We spend a great deal of energy and effort to create and foster a ‘culture of inquiry’ here at the Aesthetics Institute. It means our school is a safe place for learning, making mistakes, and overcoming challenges. Students are encouraged to ask questions, delve deep into the technology, and ultimately make mistakes, without the fear of reprimand or punishment. My goal as a teacher is for my students to be prepared for the ‘real world’. I will say the same thing a 100 different times in a 100 different ways until we find a path to understanding. The confidence to apply what you learn here is vital to the success of our students.”

Masters Esthetics Instructor

“I never want a student to be afraid to ask questions. This program is a safe place to learn and make mistakes. Our school is like a family and everyone is welcome here.”

Annie Richardson attended the Aesthetics institute from 2013 to 2014 where she completed both the Masters Esthetics Program as well as the Advanced Esthetics Program.

After graduating high school, Annie was at a loss about what she wanted to do with her life going forward. Always having a passion for makeup, she thought following that path would be a good idea to get her foot in the door in the esthetics industry. Once she began attending the Aesthetics Institute, “it opened my eyes to all the possibilities that the esthetics world has to offer.”

Upon graduating from the Institute, she worked at a massage clinic specializing in facials and waxing. After taking a short break from esthetics and switching over to the medical field, she started to miss the clients in the fast-paced esthetics industry and decided to come back to it. Annie started getting into lash extensions and then went on to specialize in lash lifts, speed waxing, and spray tans.

One of her favorite things about being an instructor at the Aesthetics Institute is helping students feel comfortable and confident in what they do. “My goal is for my students to not just know how to perform the skills we teach, but help them understand why they are doing it that way as well.”

She continues, “I would like my students to know that my goal is always for them to be confident in what they do. I never want a student to be afraid to ask questions. This program is a safe place to learn and make mistakes. Our school is like a family and everyone is welcome here.”

Annie works to also help educate the community on how powerful the esthetics field truly is at helping people with insecurities they may have. “I feel like people often just think of waxing and basic facials without realizing the advanced service we can perform to help people feel confident in their skin. Helping people with the gift of feeling comfortable in their own skin is an incredible thing to be a part of.”

When she thinks back to the time she was graduating from high school, she has this advice for her 18-year-old self about deciding whether to pursue an esthetics education: “Go for it! The knowledge and skills that you will learn from this ever-growing field are incredible. The esthetics community is so welcoming and you’re truly blessed to be a part of it!”

Annie Richardson, Master Esthetics Instructor

Annie Richardson

  • Masters Esthetics Instructor
  • Licensed Esthetics Instructor (LEI)

Lead Advanced Esthetics Instructor

“It is so awesome to watch something ‘click’ in someone’s head just because you explained it a certain way. Not everyone learns the same way…so when I figure out what really worked for that specific student, it’s truly a great feeling!”

Tashauna Carter, Lead Advanced Esthetics Instructor

Tashuana Carter

  • Lead Advanced Esthetics Instructor
  • Licensed Esthetics Instructor (LEI)
  • Certified Advanced Esthetics Instructor (CAEI)

Tashauna is a Certified Advanced Esthetician who is highly passionate about the esthetics industry. She graduated from the Aesthetics Institute in early 2018 and immediately specialized in waxing before returning to the Institute to earn her Advanced Esthetics Certification.

After working in the professional esthetics industry, where she specialized in body contouring and other advanced esthetics services, she was thrilled to accept a position at the Aesthetics Institute. She always takes every opportunity to learn more about the industry, whether it’s skincare products or lasers, and she loves passing that knowledge on to her students.

Tashauna has been interested in esthetics since she was little. Her mother went to cosmetology school for hair, and she always thought it looked like so much fun. She took full cosmetology classes throughout high school, intending to do hair but fell in love with skin instead.

On attending beauty school instead of a traditional four-year university, she has this to say: “I’ve had so many reactions from people when they find out what I went to school for, who assume that people who go to school for trades were not smart enough to go to college, but I’ve worked alongside some of the most brilliant women I’ve ever met while working in this industry.”

“Skin is complicated, and everyone’s skin is different. Almost everyone I know has struggled with some sort of skin issue, and no two persons’ problems have been the same. It takes a decent amount of intelligence to figure out the issue going on with someone’s skin and how to correct the issue for them.”

One of her favorite moments of being an instructor at the Aesthetics Institute is seeing a student go from struggling with a subject to having that “aha!” moment. “It is so awesome to watch something ‘click’ in someone’s head just because you explained it a certain way. Not everyone learns the same way, and one subject may have to be taught in three different methods for everyone to learn it correctly. So when I figure out what really worked for that specific student, it’s truly a great feeling!”

On taking the plunge and committing to attend an esthetics school, Tashauna has some parting advice for prospective students:

“Don’t let your fear and insecurities get in the way! I’ve let anxiety get in the way of so much in my life. Attending the Aesthetics Institute was one of the first times in my life I was able to gain confidence in myself and my abilities. It still took quite a while before I was able not to be scared to death to touch someone’s face. Once that fear faded away, I regretted not just going for it sooner! I had so much more fun once I was able to relax and enjoy my time at school.”

Licensed Esthetics Instructor

“I want each one of my students to leave the Institute with confidence they are highly trained and ready for any challenges ahead of them!”

Raquel Schalck began as an instructor at the Aesthetics Institute in 2011 after attending the Institute and then working in the industry for many years. She has worked as both an independent esthetician with a private practice and at a number of prominent and well-known spas and salons in the Portland area.

Raquel attended the Aesthetics Institute because she “felt it was one of the best schools around that provided so many different kinds of classes and services, so I could have a better understanding of skincare and know what I wanted to focus on in my career.” She also knew that the hands-on training was vital for her to become the esthetician she is today.

Raquel has enjoyed returning to teaching esthetics and wants her students to understand the science behind the skincare services they are learning. With skincare constantly evolving, her goal is to keep her students informed about new trends and technology. As an educator, she is pleased she can continue to learn and grow in her field and to be able to share her knowledge with new and upcoming estheticians.

“It is pretty incredible to come full circle, from being a student at the Aesthetics Institute to going out and working in the industry for many years, to now be back helping students learn how to be top-notch professionals who love this field. I want each one of my students to leave the Institute with confidence they are highly trained and ready for any challenges ahead of them!”

Raquel Schalk, Instructor

Raquel Schalck

  • Licensed Esthetics Instructor (LEI)

Masters Esthetics Instructor

“I have the privilege to teach a whole new generation who are passionate about skincare and helping others. I love this role, and it is a responsibility I do not take lightly.”

Lorena Sanders, Masters Esthetics Instructor

Lorena Sanders

  • Masters Esthetics Instructor
  • Licensed Esthetics Instructor (LEI)

Originally from Mexico City, Lorena came to the United States in 1992 for the opportunity to grow her knowledge in the childcare development industry. During more than two decades pursuing that career field, she focused on researching skincare, as she struggled with skin issues and acne for much of her life.

“My lifelong struggle with acne caused me to try many different products, most of which were ineffective. As I continued researching ways to improve my skin, I was finally able to work with an esthetician. Her knowledge and help impressed me enough that I decided I wanted to learn what she knew, not only for myself but so that I could help others with similar skin struggles.”

After graduating from the Aesthetics Institute, she turned her passion for skincare into a successful business by starting Heavenly 7 Spa. When the opportunity to return to the school as an instructor arose, she quickly jumped at the chance.

“Now, as an instructor, I have the privilege to teach a whole new generation who are passionate about skincare and helping others. I love this role, and it is a responsibility I do not take lightly.”

When asked about what she would like prospective students to know about studying esthetics, she had this advice to offer: “The work we do is not too dissimilar to work required by medical professionals. There can be a lot of intricate learning involved that is always evolving and requires a commitment to continued training. If you want to do well in this industry, you need to be prepared to sacrifice a short period of your life for intensive learning. But in the end, the industry offers the opportunity for a rewarding and fulfilling career.”

Lorena is committed to helping every student who attends the Institute learn as much as possible about assisting others through skincare while working in the esthetics industry. Her goal is to always provide “a family-like atmosphere at the school, with everyone supporting each other in their success. I felt this way as a student here myself and feel the same, if not even more so, now that I’m an instructor.”

Clinic Coordinator

“I have the privilege to teach a whole new generation who are passionate about skincare and helping others. I love this role, and it is a responsibility I do not take lightly.”

Mikaela Bledsoe joins the Aesthetics Institute as our Clinic Coordinator with a long history of working in the healthcare industry. Her experience included ample time in customer-facing roles where she could interact with patients and clients daily. “I had the opportunity to speak and interact with many patients face to face and help them get the care they needed, which was such a satisfying feeling.”

Mikaela, a self-described “people person,” has had a great time learning about the esthetics industry, getting to know our highly talented students, and meeting our long-time clients while working at the school. From scheduling clients across all of our services to keeping track of student availability and assisting instructors as an ever-willing teaching model, Mikaela seems to be everywhere all at once, all the time at the Institute.

Every day, she continues to be impressed by our student’s hard work towards their esthetics education. She wants students to know “that you inspire confidence in others by helping them look and feel their best. Remember, this is an amazing gift and a powerful and beautiful thing you are giving people.”

Mikaela Bledsoe

Mikaela Bledsoe

Director of Communications

“The beauty industry offers opportunities and a worldwide community of individuals ready to hire and support our graduates, and I am very happy to be even a tiny part of that.”

Ryan joins the Aesthetics Institute from the world of higher education and marketing and is having a great time learning about the beauty industry and all the career opportunities it offers its graduates.

“Before taking on this position, I suppose I had a “treat ‘yo self” idea about the beauty industry. And while there is nothing wrong with some self-pampering, I continue to be blown away by the level of science and technology that goes into what we teach our students about skincare and esthetics. From acne scars to other serious skin ailments, it is pretty incredible to watch our students help our clients begin to feel comfortable again in their own skin!”

As an instructor, Ryan taught at Portland State University as well as Konkuk University in South Korea. He also spent one year as a kindergarten teacher, and while he claims to have “loved it,” he also says “never again.” He brings his experience in college admissions and public relations to his role at the Aesthetics Institute, as well.

“I love coming to the school every day because, in many ways, I feel the excitement of being a student myself in this industry. I really enjoy the opportunity to sit in on classes and hands-on demonstrations while learning from our super talented instructors. I also am not complaining about all of the skin services I have received at the school. I mean, the students have to practice, right?”

Ryan is proud to be part of a team that provides high-quality education and career training to a diverse group of students. “I believe people should not have to go six figures into debt to receive an education that will allow them to support themselves and their families. I know that is what we are accomplishing at our school and I love being part of our student’s success.”

Ryan looks forward to continuing his education in the beauty industry and watching the school grow while adding additional programs for new and returning students and graduates. “The beauty industry offers opportunities and a worldwide community of individuals ready to hire and support our graduates, and I am very happy to be even a tiny part of that.”

Ryan Klute, Director of Communication

Ryan Klute

  • Director of Communications