Competency-Based Education

Our Masters Esthetics competency-based program is designed with you, the student, as its central focus. 


Competency-Based Education

By offering a competency-based course for Masters Esthetics, you can complete our course faster or at a slower pace depending on your schedule and goals.

Hands on Learning

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In-house, hands-on practice taught and supervised by expert instructors ensure you not just learn the skills, but you master them!

The Benefits To You

Tailored To Your Life

Student Facial practice
Although the program is not intended as a shortcut to licensing, it does allow you to advance based on how dedicated you are to your education.

It can be advantageous for single parents who need to get back into the workforce, those already working full-time, or a busy person with a demanding schedule to navigate.

It is also the opportunity for those with related backgrounds to advance quicker through certain areas of the curriculum.

The program allows you to advance through the theory at a pace that may be faster than in a non-competency-based program.

Held To a Higher Standard

Because of the Institute’s focus on hands-on, competency-based training, the esthetics and cosmetology industry expects more from our graduates because they recognize their greater proficiency.

To protect that reputation, we take great care within the competency-based program to help our students become proficient professionals rather than just graduates of the school.

When you graduate and leave our school, we understand that your reputation is our reputation. We do not take this responsibility lightly.

laser resurfacing group advanced

Self-Paced Learning

Savannah Pizzuti, Masters Esthetics Graduate
The format of the school provides a structure to help move you along toward graduation. However, it gives the flexibility to spend more time in more complicated areas or in which you would like additional proficiency.

While the online portion of the program will always be eight weeks long, once you are in-house for your hands-on learning portion of the program, your progression may be quicker than your classmates, based on your dedication to your studies.

Ability Focused

In most hourly-based programs, the curriculum is focused solely on passing tests. Competency-based training allows the development of abilities to pass all needed exams and feels confident as you move into the industry.
Our graduates are ready from day one to work in any environment of their choice. We have staked our nearly 40-year reputation on this principle, and we do not intend to stop now.


Because of its flexibility, the program allows the student to identify and gain additional experience in a specialized area of the Masters Esthetics Program.