Care Information

Many of our esthetics services offered by our school to our clients come with a number of recommendations for both pre and post-care. Your student esthetician will always go over your care instructions during your appointment, but you can find that information here for your reference.


Client Pre & Post Care Information

Facial esthetics student training

Facials and Skin Care Services Pre and Post Care Information

What Can Be Expected: The SilkPeel system is a safe and highly effective treatment for simultaneous exfoliation of the skin with the delivery of a topical formula to target a specific dermatological condition. Exfoliation promotes the reduction of fine lines, wrinkles, minor scars, acne, stretch marks, and sun damage. It also regenerates the epidermal cell structure resulting in skin elasticity and more youthful, pliable, smooth skin. Topical formulas penetrate the skin to treat specific conditions such as acne, hyperpigmentation, photodamage, dehydration, and fine line wrinkles. The SilkPeel treatment performed with your practitioner’s recommended pre­ and post-treatment skincare regiment promotes optimal outcomes. Before Silk Peel treatment: Refrain from these activities for seven days prior to your treatment: Do not have another treatment unless recommended. Avoid any skin irritants, including retinoids and retinol, glycolic and salicylic, acids, benzoyl peroxide, astringents, and some Vitamin C. Do not wax, tweeze, or use depilatory creams. Do not tan. Do not schedule a procedure if you are pregnant or think you are pregnant. Silk Peel Home Care: Skin will feel a slight windburn You may continue to apply a cool cloth (NO ICE) if your skin still feels warm Keep the skin cool for 24 hours No sauna, hot tubs, tanning beds, exercising, hiking, sun, etc., that may cause you to sweat. No use of Exfoliants, retain A, retinol, for 24-48 hours Mild cleanser and moisturizer SPF If you have questions at any time, please call the Aesthetics Institute at 503-238-1793

What to expect:
You may experience a tingling, stinging, or burning sensation during treatment.


Refrain from these activities for seven days prior to your treatment:

Do not have another treatment unless recommended.
Avoid any skin irritants, including retinoids and retinol, glycolic and salicylic, acids, benzoyl peroxide, astringents, and some Vitamin C.
Do not wax, tweeze, or use depilatory creams.
Do not tan.
Do not schedule a procedure if you are pregnant or think you are pregnant.
Continue to use other skincare products, including hydroquinone or lightening agents.

On the day of your treatment:

Wash your face and apply moisturizer.
Do not apply makeup.
At home, have Benadryl and aspirin or Tylenol available.


Immediately after the treatments, you should apply a cool pack, as there may be mild swelling. It is normal for the treated area to feel like a sunburn for a few hours. You should use a cold compress if needed. Avoid any trauma to the skin for up to 2-5 days, such as bathing with very hot water, strenuous exercise, or massage.

Avoid picking or scratching the treated skin to achieve your best results. If there is any crusting, apply antibiotic cream. You may apply some aloe vera gel or other after-sunburn treatment such as Desitin that you have used in the past.

Mineral make-up may be used after the treatment unless there is epidermal bleeding. It is recommended to use new or disinfected makeup brushes to reduce the possibility of infection. Keep the area moist. Any moisturizer without alpha-hydroxy acids will work.

You may shower directly after the procedure in tepid water. The treated area may be washed gently with a mild cleanser. The skin should be patted dry and NOT rubbed.

You will experience redness and flaking from five to fourteen days after the treatment. Avoid direct sun exposure and tanning beds for 1-2 months and throughout the course of the treatment so as to reduce the chance of dark or light spots. Use sunscreen SPF 25 or higher at all times throughout the treatment when going outside.

Avoid tweezing, waxing, bleaching, or laser services during the course of the treatment. Do not use any irritants such as Retin-A, Benzoyl Peroxide, or astringents.

Day 1:
Do not apply anything else to the skin. Your skin will appear sunburned today and will continue to look redder as the day continues. It will begin to feel tight like you have a sunburn. You may also experience itching or mild burning as the peel penetrates deeper into the skin. You can help to alleviate this sensation by taking Benadryl or Zantac (for itching) and aspirin or Tylenol (for discomfort), as needed. You will want to avoid wearing makeup or tight-fitting glasses for the first day or two. Pressure from the nosepiece may cause deepening of the peel in that area.

Day 2:
Your skin will continue to feel very tight. The top layers of skin are dehydrating. You will look like you have an uneven sunburn/tan. You may still feel comfortable in public today. By the end of the day, your skin may begin to flake, usually starting between your eyes, around your mouth, and nose. Sun-damaged spots may turn darker prior to peeling. Rinse your face with water today. Use only your hands. Cool or tepid water generally feels best. Do not use a cleanser or moisturizer. DO NOT PEEL THE SKIN. You may reapply Circadia’s Post Peel lotion, mild hydrocortisone cream, or Aquaphor if any area is irritated.

Day 3:
Your skin will flake, peel and feel very tight today. DO NOT peel the skin at any time. If you were to peel skin that is not ready to come off, you could cause scarring. You may carefully use manicure scissors to clip any hanging skin. Today and tomorrow, you may want to avoid making social plans. Begin using a gentle cleanser today and a strong hydrating cream. If you go outside, do use SPF. Avoid using retinoids, retinol, acids, and astringents. You must completely avoid the sun during this time. This is the last day you may use hydrocortisone to irritated areas.

Day 4:
The majority of peeling takes place between days 3 and 4. Continue with cleansing and moisturizing. Some areas will have completely peeled, and other areas may not have peeled at all. This is normal.

Day 5-6:
Your skin may be tender for a few days. Continue to avoid sun exposure for the next two weeks. You may wear SPF, but only if it is not irritating.

Day 7:
Today, you may be seen for a SilkPeelTM treatment to remove the remaining flaking skin. Ease back into your skincare products. Wear sunscreen at all times following your Silk PeelTM treatment.

Between week one and week two:

You may resume waxing, tweezing, or depilatory creams during this week. By the end of the second week, you should be able to tolerate glycolic, salicylic, and retinol or retinoid products. You will notice your skin is pink for about one more week.

If you have questions at any time, please call Aesthetics Institute at 503-238-1793

Advanced Services Pre and Post Care Information

What Can Be Expected: After your Microneedling treatment, please be aware and observe the following:

Immediately after your treatment, you will look as though you have a moderate to severe sunburn, and your skin may feel warm and tighter than usual. This is normal and will subside after one to two hours and will normally diminish within the same day or 24 hours. You may see slight redness after 24 hours but only in minimal areas or spots.

Your practitioner will discuss post-procedure skincare following the treatment to help soothe, calm, and protect the skin. Continue to treat the skin gently for three days. Normal skincare can be resumed again after day three.

Before Microneedling Treatment:

Prior to the Microneedling treatment, please observe the following:
No Retin-A products or applications 12 hours prior to your treatment.
No auto-immune therapies or products 12 hours prior to your treatment.
No prolonged sun exposure to the face 24 hours prior to your treatment. Treatment will not be administered on sunburned skin.

After Micro-needling Treatment

Be certain to adhere to the following post-treatment instructions:

CLEAN – Use a gentle cleanse and tepid water to cleanse the face for the following 72 hours and gently dry the treated skin. Always make sure that your hands are clean when touching the treated area.

HEAL – Serum antioxidants are recommended post-treatment as the properties are ideal for helping heal the skin. These products can help soothe the skin and lessen irritation.

HYDRATE – Following your microneedling treatment, your skin may feel drier than normal. Hyaluronic Acid is an ideal ingredient to hydrate and restore the skin to perfect balance.

STIMULATE – In the days following your treatment, and as the skin starts to regenerate, collagen-stimulating peptides are ideal to continue the stimulation.

MAKEUP – It is recommended that makeup should not be applied for 24 hours after the procedure. After 24 hours, you may use mineral makeup (use a clean brush).

PROTECT – Immediately after the procedure, apply a broad spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen with an SPF 25 or greater. A chemical-free sunscreen is highly recommended.

What to Avoid:
To ensure the proper healing environment, be certain to observe the following:
For at least three days post-treatment, do NOT use any Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Beta Hydroxy Acid, Retinol (Vitamin A), Vitamin C (in a low pH formula), or anything perceived as ‘active’ skincare.
Avoid intentional and direct sunlight for 24 hours. No tanning beds.
Do not go swimming for at least 24 hours post-treatment.
No exercising or strenuous activity for the first 24 hours post-treatment. Sweating and gym environments may promote bacteria growth and may cause adverse reactions.
No Hot Tubs for the first 24 hours

If you have questions at any time, please call Aesthetics Institute at 503-238-1793.

What is Dermaplaning?
Dermaplaning is a form of manual exfoliation similar in theory to microdermabrasion but without the use of suction or abrasive crystals. An esthetician-grade, sterile blade is stroked along the skin at an angle to gently “shave off” dead skin cells from the epidermis. Dermaplaning also temporarily removes the fine vellus hair of the face, leaving a very smooth surface.

As with any type of exfoliation, the removal of dead skin cells allows home care products to be more effective, reduces the appearance of fine lines, evens skin tone, and assists in reducing milia, closed and open comedones, and minor breakouts associated with congested pores.

Dermaplaning can be an effective exfoliation method for clients that have couperose (tiny blood vessels near the surface of the skin), sensitive skin, or allergies that prevent the use of microdermabrasion or chemical peels.

What can be expected:
You may experience excessive dryness or even some peeling between sessions, which may or may not be normal. Always contact the school if you have any concerns.
More sensitive skin may experience some redness after the first couple of sessions. This normally goes away after 2 to 3 hours. Dermaplaning may cause minor superficial abrasions, which may not appear until a day or two following your treatment. If this should occur, please contact me so that I can do a post-treatment follow-up with you.
After your treatment, SPF 30+ MUST be worn at all times. Tanning beds should never be used. You are making an investment in your skin: therefore, it is to your benefit to continue to protect it long after your series of treatments is completed.

Before Dermaplaning Treatment:

Prior to the Dermaplaning treatment, please observe the following:

No Retin-A products or applications 12 hours prior to your treatment.
No auto-immune therapies or products 12 hours prior to your treatment.
No prolonged sun exposure to the face 24 hours prior to your treatment. Treatment will not be administered on sunburned skin.

Post-Treatment/Home Care:
Aerobic exercise or vigorous physical activity should be avoided until all redness has subsided. Direct sunlight exposure is to be completely avoided immediately following the treatment (including any strong UV light exposure or tanning beds). Although SPF 30+ should already be a part of your daily skincare, after dermaplaning, SPF 30+ must be applied daily to the treated area for a minimum of two weeks. Twice daily, cleanse the treated area with a post-treatment cleanser, followed by a serum or treatment cream, and follow with SPF 30+ sunscreen.

If you have questions at any time, please call Aesthetics Institute at 503-238-1793.

What to expect:
You may experience a tingling, stinging, or burning sensation during treatment.


Refrain from these activities for seven days prior to your treatment:

Do not have another treatment unless recommended.
Avoid any skin irritants, including retinoids and retinol, glycolic and salicylic, acids, benzoyl peroxide, astringents, and some Vitamin C.
Do not wax, tweeze, or use depilatory creams.
Do not tan.
Do not schedule a procedure if you are pregnant or think you are pregnant.
Continue to use other skincare products, including hydroquinone or lightening agents.

On the day of your treatment:

Wash your face and apply moisturizer.
Do not apply makeup.
At home, have Benadryl and aspirin or Tylenol available.


Immediately after the treatments, you should apply a cool pack, as there may be mild swelling. It is normal for the treated area to feel like a sunburn for a few hours. You should use a cold compress if needed. Avoid any trauma to the skin for up to 2-5 days, such as bathing with very hot water, strenuous exercise, or massage.

Avoid picking or scratching the treated skin to achieve your best results. If there is any crusting, apply antibiotic cream. You may apply some aloe vera gel or other after-sunburn treatment such as Desitin that you have used in the past.

Mineral make-up may be used after the treatment unless there is epidermal bleeding. It is recommended to use new or disinfected makeup brushes to reduce the possibility of infection. Keep the area moist. Any moisturizer without alpha-hydroxy acids will work.

You may shower directly after the procedure in tepid water. The treated area may be washed gently with a mild cleanser. The skin should be patted dry and NOT rubbed.

You will experience redness and flaking from five to fourteen days after the treatment. Avoid direct sun exposure and tanning beds for 1-2 months and throughout the course of the treatment so as to reduce the chance of dark or light spots. Use sunscreen SPF 25 or higher at all times throughout the treatment when going outside.

Avoid tweezing, waxing, bleaching, or laser services during the course of the treatment. Do not use any irritants such as Retin-A, Benzoyl Peroxide, or astringents.

Day 1:
Do not apply anything else to the skin. Your skin will appear sunburned today and will continue to look redder as the day continues. It will begin to feel tight like you have a sunburn. You may also experience itching or mild burning as the peel penetrates deeper into the skin. You can help to alleviate this sensation by taking Benadryl or Zantac (for itching) and aspirin or Tylenol (for discomfort), as needed. You will want to avoid wearing makeup or tight-fitting glasses for the first day or two. Pressure from the nosepiece may cause deepening of the peel in that area.

Day 2:
Your skin will continue to feel very tight. The top layers of skin are dehydrating. You will look like you have an uneven sunburn/tan. You may still feel comfortable in public today. By the end of the day, your skin may begin to flake, usually starting between your eyes, around your mouth, and nose. Sun-damaged spots may turn darker prior to peeling. Rinse your face with water today. Use only your hands. Cool or tepid water generally feels best. Do not use a cleanser or moisturizer. DO NOT PEEL THE SKIN. You may reapply Circadia’s Post Peel lotion, mild hydrocortisone cream, or Aquaphor if any area is irritated.

Day 3:
Your skin will flake, peel and feel very tight today. DO NOT peel the skin at any time. If you were to peel skin that is not ready to come off, you could cause scarring. You may carefully use manicure scissors to clip any hanging skin. Today and tomorrow, you may want to avoid making social plans. Begin using a gentle cleanser today and a strong hydrating cream. If you go outside, do use SPF. Avoid using retinoids, retinol, acids, and astringents. You must completely avoid the sun during this time. This is the last day you may use hydrocortisone to irritated areas.

Day 4:
The majority of peeling takes place between days 3 and 4. Continue with cleansing and moisturizing. Some areas will have completely peeled, and other areas may not have peeled at all. This is normal.

Day 5-6:
Your skin may be tender for a few days. Continue to avoid sun exposure for the next two weeks. You may wear SPF, but only if it is not irritating.

Day 7:
Today, you may be seen for a SilkPeelTM treatment to remove the remaining flaking skin. Ease back into your skincare products. Wear sunscreen at all times following your Silk PeelTM treatment.

Between week one and week two:

You may resume waxing, tweezing, or depilatory creams during this week. By the end of the second week, you should be able to tolerate glycolic, salicylic, and retinol or retinoid products. You will notice your skin is pink for about one more week.

If you have questions at any time, please call Aesthetics Institute at 503-238-1793

What to Expect During Laser Treatment:

The sensation of light is sometimes uncomfortable and may feel like a moderate to severe pinprick or flash of heat.

Laser & IPL is a pulsed-light and laser system that delivers a precise pulse of light energy that is absorbed by a chromophore in the skin, for example, hemoglobin in the blood or pigment in a lesion causing a thermal reaction. All personnel in the treatment room, including me, must wear protective eyewear to prevent eye damage from this light energy. The treated area may be red and swollen for two to twenty-four (2–24) hours or longer. Cooling the area after the treatment (for example, a cool towel or topical gels) may help reduce discomfort and swelling.

Common side effects include temporary redness (erythema) or mild “sunburn”-like effect that may last a few hours to 3-4 days or longer.

Other potential side effects include, but are not limited to, blistering, crusting, irritation, itching, pain, burns, scabbing, swelling (edema), broken capillaries, bronzing, and acne or herpetic breakouts. There also is a risk of resulting unsatisfactory appearance and failure to achieve the desired result.

Pre-Treatment Instructions

NO Tanning (self-tanner, tanning bed, etc.) 3-4 weeks prior to appointment.
NO Lotions, body oils, perfumes, or make-up in the areas to be treated.
NO Photo-light sensitive medications for at least ten days before treatment.
Skin products to stop using: Retin-A for at least one week; TCN for at least one week; Accutane for a full year.

Pre Laser Hair Removal
NO Waxing or Tweezing 3-4 weeks prior.
You may shave prior to treatment.
The skin is cleaned and shaved. The use of a topical anesthetic is optional. It is up to the client to purchase any anesthetic they prefer to use, and the client must apply the anesthetic prior to the treatment.

Hair Removal Only
7-10 days after treatment, the hair left under the skin will begin to fall out.

When the area is no longer sensitive, wash the area with a washcloth or loofah brush to help the dead hair work its way out of the skin. This helps to remove dead skin cells, so the hair is able to shed out of the follicle easier.

It may take 1-3 weeks for dead hairs to shed out follicles. Do not shave the area during the first three days.

Post-Treatment Instructions
No heat, no sun, no sweating.
Avoid hot showers, soaking in a hot tub, whirlpool, or sauna, or excessive exercise the day after treatment.
We recommend using a gentle cleanser and moisturizer morning and evening on clean skin for 4-5 days after treatment in cases of tenderness or irritation.
Mild soap and cool water should be used if a shower is necessary.
If excessive itching occurs, an antihistamine such as Benadryl may be taken as directed for 1-3 days as necessary.
Do not tweeze, pick or rub the area on the day of treatment.
Makeup should be avoided for 24 hours after treatment. Mineral makeup is the only makeup permitted immediately after treatment.
No direct sunlight for one week after treatment. Be sure to apply sunscreen SPF 30 or higher.
Vascular lesions may darken and can take up to 3 weeks to heal.
If the skin in the treated area develops a brown crust, do not rub it; allow it to fall off naturally. In some cases, you may have areas that develop blisters. Do not pick or remove the scab. Apply antibiotic ointment (Polysporin, Bactroban, Fucidin, or Hydrocortisone) twice daily until healed. If you go into the sun or cold, cover the sight with a non-stick dressing such as Telfa pads. The area will heal in 5-7 days.

If you have any questions, please call the Aesthetics Institute at 503 238 1793.

What to Expect During Laser Hair Removal Treatment:

Pre Laser Hair Removal
NO Waxing or Tweezing 3-4 weeks prior.
You may shave prior to treatment.
The skin is cleaned and shaved. The use of a topical anesthetic is optional. It is up to the client to purchase any anesthetic they prefer to use, and the client must apply the anesthetic prior to the treatment.

Hair Removal Only
7-10 days after treatment, the hair left under the skin will begin to fall out.

When the area is no longer sensitive, wash the area with a washcloth or loofah brush to help the dead hair work its way out of the skin. This helps to remove dead skin cells, so the hair is able to shed out of the follicle easier.

It may take 1-3 weeks for dead hairs to shed out follicles. Do not shave the area during the first three days.
General Laser Pre and Post Care:

The sensation of light is sometimes uncomfortable and may feel like a moderate to severe pinprick or flash of heat.

Laser & IPL is a pulsed-light and laser system that delivers a precise pulse of light energy that is absorbed by a chromophore in the skin, for example, hemoglobin in the blood or pigment in a lesion causing a thermal reaction. All personnel in the treatment room, including me, must wear protective eyewear to prevent eye damage from this light energy. The treated area may be red and swollen for two to twenty-four (2–24) hours or longer. Cooling the area after the treatment (for example, a cool towel or topical gels) may help reduce discomfort and swelling.

Common side effects include temporary redness (erythema) or mild “sunburn”-like effect that may last a few hours to 3-4 days or longer.

Other potential side effects include, but are not limited to, blistering, crusting, irritation, itching, pain, burns, scabbing, swelling (edema), broken capillaries, bronzing, and acne or herpetic breakouts. There also is a risk of resulting unsatisfactory appearance and failure to achieve the desired result.

Pre-Treatment Instructions

NO Tanning (self-tanner, tanning bed, etc.) 3-4 weeks prior to appointment.
NO Lotions, body oils, perfumes, or make-up in the areas to be treated.
NO Photo-light sensitive medications at least ten days before treatment.
Skin products to stop using: Retin-A for at least one week; TCN for at least one week; Accutane for a full year.

Post-Treatment Instructions
No heat, no sun, no sweating.
Avoid hot showers, soaking in a hot tub, whirlpool, or sauna, or excessive exercise the day after treatment.
We recommend using a gentle cleanser and moisturizer morning and evening on clean skin for 4-5 days after treatment in cases of tenderness or irritation.
Mild soap and cool water should be used if a shower is necessary.
If excessive itching occurs, an antihistamine such as Benadryl may be taken as directed for 1-3 days as necessary.
Do not tweeze, pick or rub the area on the day of treatment.
Makeup should be avoided for 24 hours after treatment. Mineral makeup is the only makeup permitted immediately after treatment.
No direct sunlight for one week after treatment. Be sure to apply sunscreen SPF 30 or higher.
Vascular lesions may darken and can take up to 3 weeks to heal.
If the skin in the treated area develops a brown crust, do not rub it; allow it to fall off naturally. In some cases, you may have areas that develop blisters. Do not pick or remove the scab. Apply antibiotic ointment (Polysporin, Bactroban, Fucidin, or Hydrocortisone) twice daily until healed. If you go into the sun or cold, cover the sight with a non-stick dressing such as Telfa pads. The area will heal in 5-7 days.

If you have any questions, please call the Aesthetics Institute at 503 238 1793.

Waxing Services Pre and Post Care Information

Waxing Pre and Post-Care Information

Our student estheticians take the utmost care to protect the health and elasticity of the skin. Aesthetics Institute waxing services become available as our students perfect their skills. An experienced esthetics instructor supervises each waxing appointment.

Soft, warm wax is applied, then gently removed, leaving skin completely smooth and stubble-free for weeks. We keep the highest standards of cleanliness, ensuring your experience is safe, pleasant, and relaxing.

Body hair should be at least 1/4-inch in length (about 10-14 days of growth) for best results.

Post Wax Skin Care

After hair removal, your esthetician will massage a nourishing healing cream into your skin. However, irritation can sometimes appear when you get home or even the following day. If you notice any bumps, please contact us for help. We may suggest that you apply a cortisone or calendula cream to the area. In rare cases, we may ask you to return to the Institute for proper care.

If you have questions at any time, please call the Aesthetics Institute at 503-238-1793.

The information on this site is provided as an information resource only. It is not designed to and does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, or services to you or to any other individual and is not to be used or relied upon for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is solely intended to be informal client information and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.

Please consult your health care provider before making any healthcare decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition. The information provided at this Site is not a substitute for medical or professional care, and you should not use the information in place of a visit, call consultation, or the advice of your physician or other healthcare providers.

The Aesthetics Institute is owned and operated by Henman Corp. By receiving any of the services offered by the Institute, the client acknowledges and agrees that the only recourse for liability from any and all injuries, damages, claims, or losses of any kind arising out of the services received or products purchased from Aesthetics Institute lie only against Henman Corp.