Graduating Isn't Goodbye!

We are always here as a resource for you, from helping with job placement or opening your business. Watch and read what some of our graduates had to say about their time attending our school.


Masters Esthetics Student Reviews

"A very thorough program"

“Becoming an esthetician has always been a personal goal of mine. My sister, mom, and I all had personal experience growing up with acne. While my acne was mild, I watched my sister have a really difficult time and hear about the rude comments she would receive at school. And since I have been giving and receiving facials since I was really young, this career just seemed like the perfect fit for me and my goals and a great way that I could help my family.

I’ve had really great experience attending the Aesthetics Institute. They have a very thorough program, and I have loved learning all the hands-on services, specifically the European facial and microdermabrasion. The restorative benefits of chemical peels is incredible and I am pretty much in love with lactic acid and how it can help your skin! Going forward as an esthetician, I am excited to help people restore their confidence through loving their skin!”

Allie Gillett
Masters Esthetics Graduate
Allie Gillett, Masters Graduate

"The education is beyond basics"

Hayarpi Miskaryan, Masters Esthetics Graduate, Green Skin Esthetics, Beaverton, Oregon

Masters Esthetics Graduate Hayarpi


"Best most comprehensive curriculum in the area"

“I have been interested in skincare my whole life. I love doing makeup and I think it is important to have a healthy “canvas” to work from, and the Aesthetics Institute focus on skincare is what originally drew me to check them out. I wanted to make sure I attended a very good school, because this is a huge investment in my time and money and my future. And honestly, they had the best online reviews of all of the other schools in the area.

For me, it is important for people to feel comfortable in their own skin. I’ve had a lot of friends who grew up not loving their skin, and I’ve also had some issues, to be honest. I want to be an esthetician to help people feel beautiful and to teach them how to take care of their skin.

The program at the Aesthetics Institute is the best, most-comprehensive curriculum in the area. And trust me, I have done my research. I also felt really comfortable and welcomed on my tour, which was important to me. Attending the Aesthetics Institute was exactly what I imagined. They have truly caring teachers and kind students who help and support you during your studies. I am really happy I chose this school.”

Itzahiana Uriarte
Masters Esthetics Graduate

"A really in-depth program"

Peyton Lee Tunstall, Masters Esthetics Graduate, Images Unlimted, Portland, Oregon

Masters Esthetics Graduate Peyton


"I wanted a hands-on learning experience I knew I would get"

“I’ve wanted to be an esthetician for a long time because I want to help people take care of their skin. When I was younger, I had some pretty bad skin problems and it really messed with my self-esteem while I was growing up.

When I was in school, I had the opportunity to see an esthetician who was very knowledgeable about skincare and specifically with the issues I was experiencing. She introduced me to a home care regimen for my skin and everything changed. From the services I received and the advice she gave me, I was able to fix my acne problem. It was such an incredible feeling of relief!

I didn’t know how to take care of my skin at home, partly because I was adopted and my parents had different skin types than me. I had acne for years and it weighed on my self-esteem. Learning how to take care of my face and seeing it clear up made me realize how incredible it would be to help other people feel comfortable in their skin.

I chose to attend the Aesthetics Institute because I wanted a hands-on learning experience that I knew I would get. I was excited to take on clients and see people experience real results. The first time I walked in the door at the Aesthetic Institute, everyone was warm and welcoming and the school had a positive energy which seemed like a good sign. I am truly grateful I chose to attend the Aesthetics Institute!”

Jen Dean
Masters Esthetics Graduate

"I felt the most at home here right from the beginning"

Savannah Pizzuti, Masters Graduate

“I think skin is fascinating and I have wanted to be an esthetician for a long time. Everybody’s skin is so different and every client that walks in the door is a new challenge to figure out, and I love challenges! I also know that I want to be my own boss, and the beauty field will give me the flexibility I need and the opportunity to start my own business, so this was the perfect choice.

I toured pretty much all of the Portland area esthetics schools. The Aesthetics Institute really stood out for their flexibility in their offered class schedule, specifically the option to attend either full or part time. This was very important to me, as it has allowed me to work and attend school, which was not an option at other schools. Of all the other schools in the area, the Aesthetics Institute teaches the most services for the most competitive price.

And lastly, when I took a tour here, compared to all of the other tours, I felt the most at home here right from the beginning. The instructors and staff are all super friendly, welcoming, and helpful and I am grateful for all the help and support they provide.”

Savannah Pizzuti
Masters Esthetics Graduate

"The hands-on experience that helped me gain the confidence"

“When you have the opportunity to help make other people feel good about themselves, it also helps you feel a little bit better about yourself, too. I want to be an esthetician to help make people feel beautiful both inside and out. I think that when you feel beautiful on the outside, everything else in life just feels a little bit easier.

I chose to attend the Aesthetics Institute because I Googled ‘what is the best esthetics program in Oregon?’ and this school was the first search result, without any ads. So I started looking at their website and reading the reviews from past students and I was like “Wow, I think this is the place I want to go!

But I knew I needed to do my homework, so I looked at other schools in the area and even took some of their tours. I actually even had a service at one of them, and can assure you, not one of those schools even came close to what the Aesthetics Institute has to offer to its students and clients.

Their comprehensive online curriculum was very good, but it was the hands-on learning that helped me gain the confidence that I have today. I loved doing all the in-house esthetic services on my classmates and clients because everyday I was at school, I was learning a little bit more, and I truly loved that.”

Sarah Rudd
Masters Esthetics Graduate
Hailey Serrano, Masters Graduate

"Instructors are always available to help"

“As a student at this school, I definitely felt very confident leaving. Instructors are always available to help and I felt like I couldn’t have gone to a better school to learn everything and anything about skin. My experience was great and I will definitely be returning as a graduate to get my facials and services done here just because of how well trained every student is! ”
Hailey Serrano
Masters Esthetics Graduate

“The experience I had at The Aesthetics Institute is from the student’s side. I really didn’t know what to expect, but for some reason the vibe was just right when I toured. I got all the information I needed, asked all the questions I had, and felt confident in the way I was delivered information. Never was I pressed to sign up or go there. I was never bombarded by school spam. Although a follow-up to my tour would have been nice it wasn’t absolutely necessary. I knew that when I had the time and the money I would go here!

While attending The Aesthetics Institute I didn’t have much to compare it to as this was my first certificate program outside of attending college. Maybe it’s because I had no expectations or maybe because I felt confident since the day I had my tour, but I knew this was going to be a good experience.
Covid did change that experience a tad, but I was always enamored by the way our instructors kept the school going. They managed to help us forget just for a few hours each day what was going on in the world and focus on our futures and learn!

My class size was small and small class sizes were one of the reasons I chose the school. I definitely enjoyed my class, the class that was ahead of mine, and the class that came after. While each class was taught at a different time it was nice to have others from learning stages to bounce ideas off of and learn from.

The instructors might have been my favorite part. I also didn’t know what to expect when it came to instructors, but they were kind, educated, thoughtful, attentive, communicative, and organized. Teaching is rough stuff, but somehow all of them knew exactly the kind of help I needed or knew how to explain something to me so that I understood and absorbed the material. You get different levels of expertise, industry specialties, and field experience.

What they offer here really surpassed my expectations and It was sad when the classes ended and we had to graduate. I left with knowing how to start my own business, build a resume, product knowledge, industry tips for profiting, and much more! I’d definitely recommend this school to anyone with an interest in Aesthetics.

Devin Merriott
Masters Esthetics Graduate

"Instructors were kind, educated, thoughtful, attentive, communicative, and organized"