To ensure your application is processed smoothly, we have outlined the following steps for applying.


Apply Now

We're currently accepting applications for SEPTEMBER and NOVEMBER!!

The Process

  1. Fill out the application form. Follow the link to Stripe to complete the application and pay the $35.00 application fee. Your application WILL NOT be processed without receiving payment.

  2. Once we receive your application and payment, it will take us up to seven business days to process your application and return you your Enrollment Agreement *media link* and Payment Plan Agreement *media link*. We will email you these documents, so please check your email regularly.

  3. Once you receive these documents, please take the time to read them, review the information they contain, and then sign them and return them to us via DocuSign online. If you have ANY questions or concerns about anything contained in these documents, we are more than happy to go over them with you, either in person at school or over the phone, whichever you prefer.

  4. To complete your enrollment and secure your seat on your desired class start date, you must also pay your Enrollment Fee of $250. This should be done online at the same time you sign and return your enrollment documents. A payment link will be provided.

  5. When the school receives all three of the requirements listed above (Enrollment Agreement, Payment Plan Agreement, and Enrollment Fee), you will be officially enrolled, and we will send a receipt of enrollment confirmation and payment, as well as copies of the finalized documents for your records.

Savannah Pizzuti, Masters Esthetics Graduate


Contact Information
Social Security Number or Tax ID Number*
(State of Oregon licensure requirement)
Date of Birth*
Current Address*
Permanent Address (if different from above)
Emergency Contact

Course Information

Pick Courses / Certifications*
Desired Schedule*
Start Month*
Anticipated Tuition Payment Plan*

Past Education

Did you graduate from high school?*

Employment Information

Physical Information

In general, how do you consider your health?*
Medical History

Application Next Steps

Please read and indicate you understand your additional responsibilities in the next steps of this application process:
Step 1*
It can take us up to five to ten business days to process your application and return to you your Official Enrollment Documents. Please be patient.
Step 2*
We will send you your 'Enrollment Agreement' and "Payment Plan Agreement'. We will email you these documents, so please check your email regularly.
Please read and sign these documents via DocuSign promptly.
Step 3*
To complete your enrollment and secure your seat in your desired class start date, you must also pay your enrollment fee of$250. This can also be done online at the same time you sign and return your enrollment documents. A payment link will be provided.
Step 4*
When the school receives all three of the requirements listed above ('Enrollment Agreement', 'Payment Plan Agreement', and 'Enrollment Fee'), we will send a receipt of enrollment confirmation and payment, as well as copies of the finalized documents for your records.
Failure to complete all of the steps above will cause your enrollment to be incomplete and can possibly cause you to forfeit your desired class start date.
Conditions of Enrollment**

Failure to complete any one of these steps will cause your enrollment to be incomplete and you may possibly forfeit your desired start date. Remember, most classes reach capacity more than one month before their scheduled start date.