Monique Raab has been our school director since 2012 and warmly welcomes each and every student to our campus.

Welcome from our School Director

Monique Raab

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Monique Raab welcomes you to the Aesthetics Institute.

Monique Raab, Director of Education

Hello Prospective Student,

Congratulations on your interest in a new and exciting career!

Our industry is growing at a rate well above the national average and is projected to continue to grow even more in the next five years and beyond.

I firmly believe this industry will provide a financially stable and fulfilling career for those who pursue their esthetics education with dedication and resolve.

The Aesthetics Institute, founded in Portland in 1985, occupies over 5000 square feet of classrooms, common areas, dispensary, practical areas, and private treatment rooms.

As a student at the Institute, you will utilize some of the most cutting-edge technologies in your daily studies and practice.

Many employers require experience, and many of those employers seek out our graduates. Our students are highly desired by employers.
You will be prepared to take on any job interview or even start your own business by graduation! And don’t worry, we will be with you every step of the way.

Our students have the advantage of working with advanced equipment and products. You won’t just learn the theory of new technologies, but you will actually use them every day.

You will have access to all the Institutes technologies during your time here. We find that by incorporating realistic hands-on experiences, our students graduate as capable professionals with a confident touch.

You will incorporate daily usage of European and other esthetics equipment. This equipment-based education is one of the many reasons our graduates have an advantage when looking for employment.

As a graduate, you will be ready to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to any employer or co-worker. Do not settle for the bare minimum. Get the full benefit of a quality esthetics education and start your career outright by joining the many Aesthetics Institute graduates.

I encourage you to tour our facility and meet our exceptional instructors. Our instructors are experts in their fields with years of experience.

Many of our instructors continue to work professionally, maintaining and growing their skills.

Congratulations on taking the first step into a new and thrilling career!


Monique Raab

Monique & esthetics students